Tuesday 18 August 2015

Godzilla El Nino - the largest ever on record?

Remember last year we talked a lot about El Nino and some of the impacts of previous events. Well if you get reading the news from the past couple of weeks, scientists are predicting that this year's El Nino could be the worst ever recorded. Some are even calling it 'The Godzilla El Nino'. So what does this mean? Scientists unfortunately struggle when it comes to predicting the impacts, however it is thought/ hoped that it could bring some much needed rain to drought stricken California whilst at the same time bringing devastating drought impacts to Australia.

The last 'godzilla' El Nino occurred in 1997/1998 and was our exam case study, costing an estimated $356 billion in global damage and around 23,000 deaths.

Australia has a great news article and video clip out today which looks at the potential impact there. As we will be studying drought in Australia as a case study next week - this is a great one to read and definitely one to keep your eye on in the news.


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