Saturday, 15 October 2016

The Monsanto Tribunal - guilty or not guilty?

What is the tribunal about?

The monsanto 'citizens tribunal' held this weekend is an International Civil Society initiative to hold monsanto accountable for Ecocide and crimes against humanity. The trial will involve a number of distinguished judges and lawyers listening to the testimonies of numerous Monsanto victims. Victims include environmental representatives, victims of deceased and those experiencing severe illness. All of these victims claim that Monsanto's toxic products and agribusiness model have caused widespread ecocide in the form of carbon emissions, air and water pollution, soil depletion and habitat and species loss. For more detailed information on claims and the tribunals main points click the link below.

So who are Monsanto?

Monsanto are one of the Big 6 Biotechnology agribusiness Transnational Companies.
They are leading producers of genetically engineered seed and agricultural chemicals.
Over the past decade Monsanto has become the face of corporate evil with multiple civil society websites (March against Monsanto, Millions against Monsanto), social media campaigns and physical protests.

What is a citizens tribunal?

A citizens tribunal is a community led, court like litigation event set in a courtroom in which a group of people tries an agency or corporation for crimes against standards established by international groups such as the United Nations. Whilst these tribunals do not have the power to impose direct penalties, their final verdicts can serve as a strong foundation for future legal cases against these corporations.

How does this link with your IB course?

In Paper 3 you are required to study the environmental impacts of agribusiness and also to examine the role of civil society in fostering increased environmental awareness. This is therefore a perfect case study for both of these syllabus points.

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