Wednesday 31 August 2016

Geography articles in the library - monthly feature

Every month in the library we receive copies of two geography magazines - Geographical and Geography Review. Once I manage to wrestle these out of the hands of Mr Mulholland who always gets to them first (he is a serious closet geography geek) then I will summarise the main article titles here on the blog.  If you do decide to take the magazines out of the library please do not keep them for more than a night as others may want to enjoy. 

Geographical Magazine - August 2016

  • The Windy Isles - looking at the potential of wind energy in the Galapagos
  • Symbols of Hope - an article about the Olympics' first ever Refugee team
  • Ready to Wear - is the fashion industry one of the most polluting?
  • Lighting the way - Two of Denmark's islands pursue a fossil free future
Geographical Magazine - September 2017

This 'extinction special' edition contains a number of interesting articles linked to species conservation/ extinction. This links really well to Unit 3 'patterns in environmental quality and sustainability' and also has an article about marine conservation which links to the Oceans unit also.

Further your understanding, read widely and enjoy geography outside the classroom.

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