Tuesday 26 May 2015

Californians paint over the cracks of their drought

The state of California is currently experiencing the longest drought in recorded history.
The drought has been allowed to get to quite a serious state and the USA are now looking for solutions in Australia, a country that regularly experiences this kind of natural disaster.

What is perhaps most interesting though is how many Californian residents are choosing to deal with the problem. 

Solution = painting their laws green

Apparently residents are really getting quite annoyed by how brown their lawns are turning and portable lawn painting companies are springing up everywhere cashing in on this natural disaster. Apparently the cost of painting your lawn green is much cheaper than paying the $500 fine for watering your lawns at the moment. But this is not a solution, it is literally painting over the cracks of a huge water shortage crisis.

The USA, the world's leading superpower is facing a severe physical water scarcity issue. 

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