Monday 16 February 2015

Enlgish or Hinglish? India's mother tongue

It is mother tongue week at ABA and just looking around our campus it is clear to see the diversity of language that we are celebrating here. In Grade 12 we have just been studying the diffusion of cultural traits so it is timely to look at this a little more today with a focus on language. When I lived in Egypt, I was constantly amazed when listening to my Arabic students converse in their native dialect, because every so often I would hear an English word pop out. And apparently this is not just unique to the arabic language - it is happening in India too!

Some people say that India has lost its national language and is struggling with its linguistic identity jumping between using English, Indian or even "hinglish" a hybrid of the two.

Read these two articles to see more about India's cultural struggle with language and to examine more closely how and why the English language culturally diffused to India in the first place.

BBC English or Hinglish?

English explodes in India

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